Increase your impact

How to increase your impact…

How to increase your impact as a leader is a common subject area for the clients I work with. Increasing impact results in improving your ability to influence outcomes, behaviours and produce a greater sense of teamwork.

Communication skills
How we communicate has a key role in the impact we have on others. For example, using email rather than speaking face to face can reduce your impact. It is also important to consider what you do communicate in order to increase your impact. One recent coaching session centred on the relationship the individual had with their line manager, which was not a good one. It was clear the line manager needed to be less of a “closed book” in order to build greater trust in the relationship. In being more open they would increase their impact and influence. They also needed to share their expectations of the working relationship and what good looked like. This would enable the individual to recognise if they were achieving the required standard.

The Johari Window
One of the models I share with clients about how to increase impact is the Johari Window model. The short video below explains in more detail how you can build trust with others by sharing more of what drives and motivates you.

Inspirational Leaders
If you think about the most inspirational leaders you have worked with they tend to be those who have a good understanding of what makes you tick. They are equally adept at sharing what is important to them. If you want to build open and trusting relationships within your team you need to lead by example. You need to be open about what you value and what your vision is for yourself and the team you lead. In doing so you will build trust and encourage others to be equally as open with you.

Increasing your personal impact
Increasing your impact starts with how you communicate and what you communicate. The challenge is how open are you with your colleagues? How could this increase your impact as a result?

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